Long-term dentistry always works best with a plan. So as each New Year begins, some dentists sit down with their patients and organize dental health care – in phases – for the coming year. In the spirit of prevention, one patient might be scheduled for cleanings and periodic examinations to watch closely for developing problems, […]
Dental Financing
New Dentistry, A Partnership For Your Health And Well Being
A world of opportunities for dental health awaits us in the new dentistry. Using the old dentistry, dental professionals did their best to provide a high quality of service given the state of knowledge and technology at that time. Through advancements in treatment, research, and the desire of the dental profession to do more and […]
New Dental Procedure FAQs
Q. What is the new technology dentists are using that reduces or eliminates discomfort from shots given during a dental procedure A. A computerized injection system called The Wand has been shown to significantly reduce patient discomfort in delivering oral anesthetics. In a study of patients who have had procedures using it, more than 80% […]
Maximizing The Benefits Of Your Dental Team
The new dentistry brings together a unique complement of skills, knowledge, and capabilities with one primary focus: ensuring your dental health care. Working as a team, your dentist and the dental finance team he or she has assembled wants to recruit you to join them in making sure this focus is maintained. The dental team […]
Four Ways To Be Understood By Your Dentist
What do you want from your relationship with your dentist? Oftentimes, this question is answered when there is a dental problem or emergency requiring immediate attention. There is a different approach to your relationship with your dentist that relates to your own needs and dental health. This approach is designed to help you create the […]
Facts You Should Know About Dental Insurance
What is the best dental insurance plan for financing health care for me? Choosing a dental expense plan can be a confusing experience. Although there is no one “best” dental payment plan for financing health care, there are some plans that will be better than others for you and your family’s dental payment plan needs. […]
Dental Patient Financing
Your dentist’s biggest concern is your dental health. Teeth are a priceless possession. Maintaining them should never have to take a back seat to details like dental costs or insurance coverage. Your dentist’s patient financing policy is probably pretty basic: somehow, they’ll find a way that lets them perform the work you need now, rather […]
Dental Insurance, What Should You Know
Dental insurance is not meant to be a pay-all. It’s only meant to be an aid. You are very fortunate if you have dental insurance coverage and don’t have to pay the entire dental fee plan out of your own pocket. Many patients don’t have any dental insurance at all. Some patients have excellent dental […]
Dental Information, The Costs Associated With Root Canal Treatment
What are the Costs Associated with Root Canal Treatment? There are many factors that affect the costs and payment associated with root canal treatment. Each patient and tooth presents a different set of circumstances. Generally the cost of root canal treatment is directly related to the chair time necessary to perform the treatment as well […]
Dental Fees
Imagine this: a homeowner, to save a few dollars, decides the roof shouldn’t be repaired, the broken windows replaced, the leaky pipes fixed. Think that’s the best way to protect such a valuable asset? Of course not. Yet many people put off caring for the most important asset they have – their health – because […]